Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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89 lines
│ Speed Tips │
Use the following tips to make ConnectivEmail run fast on your network:
+ Specify a local hard disk for the /SWAPPATH: parameter. If not
possible, create a RAMDRIVE to use for the temporary swap files.
If using MS-RAMDRIVE.SYS, use the /A or /E parameters to load the
entire Ram disk in XMS or EMS memory.
You can test for the existance of a local drive with a batch
command such as:
set swap=f:\users\%login_name%
if exist d:\PRN set swap=d:\
set connect=/path:m: /swappath:%swap%
If you specify the /SWAPPATH: parameter on the command line (as
opposed to the CONNECT environment variable), precede the
command with a double-slash. For example: cmail //swappath:c:
+ Run CMAIL.EXE from a local hard disk if possible. The program
must constantly refer back to this file for information, so
placing it on a local cached hard disk can greatly affect
performance. Even if not cached, most local hard disks can
outperform heavily loaded network drives.
+ Use a Disk Cache for your local hard disk, such as MS' SMARTDRV.EXE.
This will greatly improve workstation performance.
│ Example Batch Files │
The following sample batch tests a workstation to see if it has a local
hard disk, and if so, checks to see if the CMAIL.EXE file is located
on the local disk. If not, it copies the file to the local hard disk,
then runs the program from there.
If the machine does not have a hard disk, the program is run from
the network drive. The batch file tests to see if the local workstation
has a RAM disk installed (as D:). If so, it uses the RAM disk as the
/SWAPPATH: location. If not, the swap files are written to the
network drive.
@echo off
map root m:=sys:connect >>nul ; NOTE: Netware Syntax
if not exist c:\PRN goto NETWORK
if not exist c:\cmail\PRN md c:\cmail
if not exist c:\cmail\cmail.exe copy m:\cmail.exe c:\cmail >>nul
if exist *. del *.
cmail /path:m: /r
goto EXIT
set swap=f:\users\%login_name%
if exist d:\PRN set swap=d:\
cmail /r /swappath:%swap%
set swap=
│ ConnectivEmail Usage Notes │
o After installation, you should place ADMIN.EXE in a secure directory.
This will prevent unauthorized users from creating mailboxes, or
from obtaining user's mailbox passwords.
o On installation, ConnectivEmail creates a "random" mailbox password.
You should immediately change your mailbox password (in Preferences)
so others will not be able to access your mailbox simply by typing
your name in the login window.
o You must place at least one alphabetic character in your mailbox
password to completely secure it (as opposed to all numeric).